A bridge too far youtube

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This ukase claims that 28 states are already doing the same thing, but this is piffle as there are carve-outs for Catholic institutions in the states or they self-insure. government’s grinding its hob-nailed regulatory jackboot into the face of their church.

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The majority of them oppose abortion, probably only about a fifth or a quarter of them have any serious problem with birth control, and 80 to 90 percent of them would likely object to the U.S. There are 77.7 million Roman Catholics in the United States, a little over 25 percent of the whole population. But the interim final regulation in the Affordable Care Act that would require Roman Catholic–affiliated hospitals and agencies to pay for insurance of abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization, and contraceptives for their employees, gratis, was an astonishing affront to America’s largest religious denomination.